d’auto, di mare, …
Il punto terapeutico si trova
sulla linea addominale mediana a metà fra l’ombelico e base dell’
apofisi ensiforme dello sterno, a quattro distanze sopra l’ombelico: si chiama 12
VC TCONG IUENN = Mezzo dello stomaco. Si trova sul meridiano curioso Vaso
Concezione o JENN MO.
VC Caratteristiche:
MO dello Stomaco
di concentrazione della energia della Rt( milza)
di riunione dei meridiani di I(G intestino tenue), E (stomaco) e TR (triplice
di utilizzo nei gravi squilibri YIN-YANG
Acupuncture : The points that heel…
Carsickness, Seasickness…
If you suffer from seasickness,
carsick, air sickness, etc. .there is an important acupuncture’s point that can help
you. The syndrome appears with
chills, nausea, vomiting until a
fainting . The baby may also become dehydrated.
The point is the 12VC called TCONG IUENN. Location: Midpoint
on a line connecting the xyphoid process with the umbelicus. This point
belong to the ren Front Midline Channel
12 VC Characteristics
-point MO of Stomach Channel
-point of the reunion of
these Channels: Small Intestin Channel, Stomach Channel
and Pericardium Channel
-point for important imbalance
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